Four glasses with different beers



Changing preferences towards natural food preservation

The vast variety of food applications, each with its unique compositions and microbial exposure, pose a major challenge to food preservation - often requiring an application specific approach. With an ever-growing emphasis on health and well-being, the demand for natural solutions that not only safeguard against decay, but also contribute to food safety is on the rise.

For these fast-emerging markets, Nagardo® offers a groundbreaking preservation technology that not only addresses these challenges, but is set to redefine industry standards across many food applications.

NAGARDO® - Natural Guardian for food applications

Nagardo® is a natural antimicrobial obtained from the edible mushroom Sweet Osmanthus Ear and is extracted without chemical modification. Nagardo® has proven to be a very effective natural antimicrobial agent in beverages, and it also shows great potential in other areas of application, particularly in the food sector. In the United States, Nagardo® has gained a GRAS status for the use in cheese and dry-cured sausages, but its versatility extends far beyond these areas. Efforts for application expansion are actively pursued on a global scale.

Contact us if you would like to understand the benefits of Nagardo® or test its performance in your specific food application!


Food preservative without sensory impact

  • Especially strong against yeast and molds
  • Surface applications exhibit optimal performance
  • Shows no impact on color, odor, or taste
  • Chemically stable at pH range between 2.5 to 7, most efficacious within a pH of 2.5 to 4.6
  • Good water solubility
  • Compatible with pasteurization
  • Enables consumer friendly labeling*
  • Free of known allergens
  • Halal, Kosher, non-GMO

*Declaration as a food additive on the ingredient list required


Application examples - From cheese to dry-cured sausages

  • Picture this: dry-cured sausages taking a quick dip or getting a gentle spray with Nagardo®- infused solution.
  • The result? No more worrying about fungal growth on the surface! Even at lower concentrations, Nagardo® is effective and ensures that sausages look and taste good.
Four glasses with different beers
  • How about safeguarding your cheese with natural preservatives, even for edible rinds? Nagardo® brings this to life.
  • Testing with cheese coatings demonstrates Nagardo®'s remarkable capability in effectively shielding against mold growth during storage.

Nagardo® offers an ideal solution for maintaining microbiological quality and extending shelf life. Serving as the natural alternative to conventional synthetic preservatives, it perfectly aligns with evolving consumer preferences and demands.

Natural Guardian for beverage quality Dacryopinax spathularia,an edible jelly fungus,grows on rotting wood with green moss background

Visit the Nagardo® Website

Beverage manufacturers tailor beverages to meet their customers lifestyle – at LANXESS we tailor the corresponding beverage protection. Nagardo® natural guardian secures and prolongs the shelf life of your beverage. Safety enabled by nature.